Body Positivity
Body positivity is trending right now, but what does it mean? Body positivity is the process of learning to like yourself now as you are were you are. This is a process for me it does not come easy. Having to daughters and not wanting to pass on my poor body image down to them was a huge motivator. Body positivity is a practice of making health and self care decisions from a place of nurturing or care not shame, guilt or with the desire to change or alter.
Most of people struggle thinking that if they accept themselves as they are now that they will just give in to all their worst fears never exercise and eat donuts all day. This is not what happens. What happens its people eat healthier because when donuts are off limits they are no longer as enticing. Also donuts only truly taste good for the first few bites but when we eat a donut from a place of shame we eat it and with every bit we feel worse and then just say some form of “i was bad so I might as well just eat all the donuts.”
When we choose from a place of love and not shame we choose movement we like and foods we like but that also make us feel good. These choices tend to last longer and become lifestyle changes.
Body positivity teaches us to be grateful and compassionate to our bodies. It is not denying that somethings are hard to accept but to start with the things you love and then build from there.